Thursday, September 11, 2008

Scary and Awful, but it makes me laugh. Problem?

The part I like best is that there was a big group of sex offenders living together. Boy, what would one of their parties be like? I'll bet their TV schedule really throws off demographic trends. "Why is there a huge viewership for Barney re-runs in prime time?" I'd love to go to one of these houses where there are 5 or more sex offenders who dress and act like they are children or pretend to be the grandparents of 30 year olds posing as children. Talk about bizarre. John Waters needs to make this his next film. Also, one of them is named Stiffler? How is that even possible in the world? A sex offender named Stiffler? Life imitating art or art imitating life?

1 comment:

fred p said...

"I'd love to go to one of these houses where there are 5 or more sex offenders who dress and act like they are children or pretend to be the grandparents of 30 year olds posing as children."

I would love to post this quote on your resume.