Thursday, January 8, 2009

Two Great Tastes That Taste Great Together

So, I found these two things today that made me happy, and I offer them here, to those of you who hang on my every posted word.

Thing One


Thing Two

Now, obviously Thing One is less vital to National discussion. BUT it is a great little essay about a terrific movie that I strongly suggest to anyone who hasn't seen it. (And for those of you haters who still have aught against the 1970s, this might be the balm you need. Watch this and then watch the re-make and tell me that the 1970s didn't kick all sorts of cinematic tail.)

Thing Two, I strongly suggest be read, re-read and then promulgated as a new National Doctrine. It is excellent.

Finally, for those of you who were interested in the Windows 7 post from earlier in the week: Microsoft is offering a free public beta on Friday. This is the Wired article on how to get your hands on it.

1 comment:

Don Tomaso said...

Thing Two was indeed worth the read.