Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Many little unimportant, and one pretty sad, things...

The sad thing first: Heath Ledger died. That's kind of sad. I liked him in all the movies I ever saw him in and I suspect I'll like him in movies I haven't seen yet. He seemed like a fun guy to know and I know he's got a daughter that he's leaving behind and all. Sad. I know that my side of the family is rolling their eyes at this point, but it makes me unhappy. I'm crying, but that's mostly because Margaret just made me cut a bunch of onions. (Well, it's all because of the onions. I knew the news for hours before and the onions are making me cry. Now I'm over-protesting.)

Other than that, I have some links, some recommendations and some observations.

For Tom Pitrone, a link to an interesting and positive take on One From The Heart.

For my brother Rob I have the Hellboy trailer, you may have already seen it, but I want your feedback. Margaret says the final monster scene is too much. Thoughts? (Anyone else can chime in as well, of course.)

I strongly recommend the following two Christian Bale films: 3:10 to Yuma, and The Machinist. Both are spectacular, The Machinist is so heavily dread-filled, without being at all a horror movie, that it is almost terrifying. Margaret managed to see a cat outside our window while we were watching it and then couldn't sleep till I got up and checked everything out and made sure that there were no imaginary intruders. (I recognize that this might not be high praise to many of you, but to those on my wave-length here, it's a good'un.)

3:10 to Yuma, Bale manages to make being quietly heroic both sympathetic and frustrating, as anyone who has ever attempted quiet heroics can attest that it is. Also, does Russell Crowe ever do a BAD job? Maybe in that romantic comedy with Salma Hayek? I can't remember that I ever watched that, but he doesn't seem the type to shine there. Perhaps the better question is, does Christian Bale ever give a bad performance? He really classed up that dragon movie he was in. And I think he was even good in Newsies, though all I really remember about that is a kid named Crutchie.

As for the questions that keep popping up about my work, let me just say that there is no great news in sight. I think that my friend Cornelius and I are thinking about taking over the office area. We will be the Adminjerks, but at least we'll have work to do pretty regularly. I don't know, I spent the day there today and it was depressingly dull. The suggestion from Cornelius is to make myself as useful as I can, but I don't know how useful that will be. I suppose I can teach R.A./H.F.G. house painting techniques, or refreshers on why it is important to alway have a lawyer...

Margaret's family, shame on you! Margaret just told me she's never watched Malcolm in the Middle, for shame!

As to the rest of our life, this is the proposed vehicle style:

Though Margaret is angling for this:

But fortunately there are Disney characters on there and you all know how I feel about that. I am putting my foot down.


rapitrone said...

The Hellboy trailer looks very Guillermo Del Toro'y. Much more so than the last one. Much more his brand of freaky creepiness a la Pan's Laberynth. I'm excited to see it. I think the giant monster fight at the end of the trailer probably takes place early on in the movie. I like what I'm seeing from the fight scenes. In the comic Hellboy isn't a great fighter or anything. He is always being knocked around by monsters or thrown through walls by monsters or even eaten whole by monsters, but he always gets back up again because he's just really tough and he can take a beating. He doesn't usually go in knowing how to beat whatever it is he's going to fight. He seems to go at monster problems like I go at cumputer problems. He just tries various things till he beats the proble. He really just relies on being tough to get him through. I like that it looks like this movie will portray that.

The Machinist was crazy. It was crazy that Christian Bale actually got his body to look like it did in that movie especially because he is generally a bretty well muscled fellow. The way he looked in that movie was perhaps more memorable and striking than the movie itself.

I played the part of Adminjerk for a while. About six months actually. I was the guy who wrote up and processed leave paperwork, and I was the one who convinced MasterGuns to sign off on people's leave. I was suddenly everyone's best friend. I have to say, being Adminjerk made my life in Monterey pretty pleasant.

rapitrone said...

I keep waiting for a response, forgetting that it's 4 something AM where you are.

Unknown said...

Wow, just seeing those two vehicles... I don't know we'll ever be able to be friends again.

Unknown said...

OH, Newsies...Still one of my favorite movies of ALL TIME! Come on. Who doesn't feel inspired when hearing a bunch of young men and one cripple sing;

"Open the gates and seize the day
Don't be afraid and don't delay.
Nothing can break us, no one can make us give our rights away.
Arise and seize the day."

And a personal mantra:)"Wrongs will be righted, If we're united. Let us seize the day" It's the rainbow coalition of young men in funny little hats and suspenders...Maybe Jesse Jackson should wear a funny hat.

Anonymous said...

So, I sent a couple emails, which were promplty sent back to me, not realizing where you guys were (duh, read the blog) so I just wanted to say HI! I hope all is going well for you and Margaret, thanks for making me laugh (I read the entire blog)...which I felt was a good excuse to procrastinate working/drawing. I love the mental image of the two of you carrying the couch and the Conley's reference. Email if you can and take care! sgreaves@kent.edu

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.