Friday, August 10, 2007

A Big Inning

So, I've been wandering around on here for a while, reading everyone's thoughts day after day and I've been thinking that I ought to get a hand in. I mean, why should you all have all the fun? Plus, I have many interesting and compelling thoughts that deserve a home outside of my head, so you lucky, lucky kids all get to read them! (And you'd BETTER read them, don't let me catch you NOT reading my compelling thoughts, or so help me... )

At any rate, vague threats aside, this is my blog. Welcome.

I'm going to attempt to post here once a day, but this is a pretty hectic time period, and then in October I'm supposed to move to San Diego for 8 weeks and then Okinawa, Japan for 4 years, so who knows, this might be an experiment in futility.

I think that it's gonna be daily, and I think that it's going to be interesting... ok, I'm losing confidence and steam already, so I'm going to post this and then jump in with my first thought for the day.

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