Sunday, August 12, 2007


I'm angry today, for no good or even sane reason. I am just full of anger, which is making my wife unhappy and not really doing anything positive for me. But I can't stop. I think that part of it is that I have managed to not be angry about so many things lately. I mean, it isn't as if the last couple wee... couple mont... couple yea... several years have been a picnic. They haven't, and I recognize that a lot of that is my own fault and all, but still sometimes I think that anger builds up. Sometimes it gets to be too much and like an over pressurized steam valve, it needs to be bled off or it will explode. So I guess I am glad that I haven't lost my temper, thrown anything or otherwise acted a fool. But at the same time, I wish I knew how to keep from being angry. Readers, thoughts?


Anonymous said...

You may be an angry guy.

Pitrone said...

Right, that IS a possibility, but I want to know if anyone has thought on DEALING with anger. Getting over it, getting over myself, the whole thing.

Anonymous said...

I tend to rely on Zoloft for my anger. Seems to be working.

Don Tomaso said...

I believe the cause of anger is unresolved grief. Anyone over 20 probably has something to grieve. Usually, we just "suck it up." That is a short term fix. If you don't deal with the grief - the loss - the anger just festers.

Anonymous said...

For all the years you have been trying to get over yourself, and having been a massive failure at that, I think you need professional help.

Most anger comes from some internal conflict, unless it is righteous anger, which I do not believe you suffer from. So, when angry, being alone is a good idea, and the cause of the anger usually reveals itself when external outlets for anger (wife, world, and all of that) are removed and you are left with only yourself.

Try it.