Monday, September 24, 2007

Two thoughts from my ride in to work

First, I was driving behind an SUV with the following two bumper stickers:
"Gore '08... for earth's sake.
"Still PISSED at Yoko"
And it made me wonder if the person driving the vehicle knew that he/she was now a living cliche'.

The second is that I REALLY hope that the Iranian president's speech at Columbia is like when the Martians visit the Congress.

"Ack Ack, AckAck ACK ACK!!" And then a deathray kills them all. That would make me laugh.

The other thing I was thinking though is, what if he is assasinated? I mean, during Yom Kippur, he says something stupid, some hot head in the crowd get rowdy, has a gun... When will or colleges learn about gun control, blah blah blah, talking head fever. But what are the ramifications? Interesting idea.


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