Friday, September 14, 2007

Christmas Exchange

Which sounds like something that we would have with countries that don't have the same holidays as we do. "And here, Ecuador, is where we offer you Christmas in return for Bull-Baiting Day."

But what I am really talking about is my family's New Deal. We've apparently decided that the old system, purchasing gifts for the whole family, is not cost effective. Now, I know that my sister-in-law Ami has been working up to this by degrees, and now that she has ANOTHER sister-in-law to climb on board, I think she's going to put it over. (In the Pitrone household you need a two-thirds majority to make an issue pass, unless it is vetoed by... well, here is where the system of government breaks down, unless it is vetoed by anyone at all.) And I don't WANT to veto this idea. I like it pretty well. It makes sense. Except for one thing, the idea behind it is frugality, which is a good idea. None of the Pitrone clan are particularly well off. And the wife and I are not least of this batch of not well-off-ness, nor am I personally least culpable in the matter of the family's penury, but I LOVED giving everyone presents. And I think that everyone else did, too. And it didn't much matter to me if the presents were dumpster diving rejects from Drew or Dollar Store stuff from Rob. And giving presents is the FUN part of Christmas, at least, after you're 11 it is. So, I am pretty ambivalent on the subject.

The way that the gift exchange from the extended family works is pretty suspect, too. I mean, there is the normal, everyone gets a gift from Grandma Pitrone, and everyone gets one gift-exchange gift. But it never actually works that way. There is always the wild card aspect of the Redhead/Malich faction, who lavish each other with gifts as if it was their private Christmas together. (Which I can't help but feel is a little bit rude. I mean, way to express how outsider everyone else is compared with your clique. But that's just me being snarky. It doesn't really bother me all that much, it more a sour grapes thing at never being the super popular one who gets all the great side presents.)

So my point it, won't there be a lot of this at the Tom Pitrone gathering as well? I mean, won't it mean that Nic and Drew will get lots of little things from everyone, etc? And then Nika will only get her one present and the whole thing will go thermonuclear in a matter of moments. Maybe not, and the names there are only hypothetical, maybe Nika will get lots of presents but Drew will only get one. At which point it won't go thermonuclear, but merely a little hurt. And that's pretty much just as bad. So, thoughts?


rapitrone said...

I don't think I ever gave dollar store gifts. In fact, for the last few years, I've been contributing various amounts to the Owen fund as gifts for you. We already have this where some people don't get any gift from some other people. Nika will get plenty from Grammy, and Mom and Papa I'm sure.

Pitrone said...

I didn't mean the Dollar Store thing as an issue. I was just using it/you as an example. I'm just saying, I think that there will be repercussions, again though, I am not against the idea. I just worry that it will go badly. And like I say, I recognize the issues involved. I'm just saying... there is a lot of Pitrone to deal with that I think is being ignored by the idea.

rapitrone said...

I guess I just don't see any of us except maybe Nika having hurt feelings. If we were going to have hurt feelings about gift giving, i think we would already. Some of us spend a huge amount of money on others while giving the rest dead guy shirts. Some of us don't spend much money at all, and get everyone inexpensive stuff. Miranda and I spent something like $400 on Christmas last year I think, which I think is part of where this is all coming from, but we didn't spend the same amount on everyone. It's no big deal either way.

Pitrone said...

I'm not getting down on the idea. Seriously, I think it's a pretty good idea. I'm just saying that there is potential to make a problem for the family, too.

Anonymous said...

This is probably not where I should comment being that I am excommunicated and all, but I LOVED the Christmas I spent with the Pitrone's. I believe Owen was trying to teach me that gifts didn't matter, since my parents spoil us ridiculously on Christmas. The Pitrone's are all fabulously unique people and finding that perfect gift for each one of you, is a blast. I believe I still have most of the gifts from that Christmas, which include: an antique powder canister from Rob (I think) with the antique powder still in it, a homemade satchel from Drew that I never really did find a use for, an ornament for the tree from Kate and Tom that never made it with the Christmas decorations (although I keep promising myself that it will), and a sweater from Kate and Tom that I never really cared for but decided that if Kate picked it out it must be sophisticated so I should learn to like it. And I have worn it, many, many times. Oh, and who can forget the silky shirt is it? What will become of that?

rapitrone said...

If I came across as being heated on this topic in my earlier posts, I'm sorry, I'm really not. I was heated about an evolution debate which I am having elsewhere. I think part of this idea, as far as the gift exchange goes, is that Miranda and Ami want to free up more capital to spend on Tom and Kate. They feel like Tom and Kate, and possibly Grammy, are always buying us fabulous gifts, and we get the mediocre gifts. They want us all to be able to get fabulous gifts for Tom and Kate. Just think, there'll be another grandchild by Christmas.

Anonymous said...

I didn't offend on the sweater comment did I? I didn't mean to.

Vpitrone said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Vpitrone said...

I was really bored today and I googled myself and got this page.
I thought I would tell you all I have not given a shit about gifts since I was ten and stopped really wanting to be around you people. Since your are always so concerned about what is said about you lot in public could you not talk about me on the internet. Thanks bye.